• Minggu, 08 Juli 2018


    In terms of the origin of the word politics is derived from the Greek language "polis" which means city is a city, and from the word policy can be obtained some words, including: polities (citizens), politikos (citizenship), politike episteme (political science) and Politicia (state government). So if we review from the origin of the word political understanding in general can be said that politics is "activity in a political system or State concerning the process of determining the purpose of the system and how to carry out its purpose".
    Yet many versions of the political sense are:
    1.         Politics is the variety of activities of a political system (state) which involves the process of determining the objectives of the Indonesian system and implementing those goals. (Mirriam Budiharjo)
    2.         Politics is a struggle for power / technique of exercising powers / issues of execution and control of power / formation and use of power. (Isjwara)
    3.         Politics is the institutionalization of interpersonal relations instituted in
    various political bodies both the political superstructure and political
    infrastructure. (Sri Sumantri)
    4.         Politics is an effort undertaken by citizens to realize the common good. (Aristoteles)
    Looking at many versions of the political sense, then it can be concluded briefly that "politics is a strategy / way or tactic to achieve a certain goal."

    Politics is one of the most significant aspects in the sustainability of a country. The good and bad development of a country depends on the political system used and the subject or perpetrator of the political system. Often we see, people who always menggebor-peb-pebulian political purity but in fact he is also the manipulation of purity in political practice. This shows that in the politics of our country there is always a very sensitive area of ​​morality, so often the perpetrators are incapable of being consistent with the stated purpose or principle. The positive political influence for the community, among others:
    First, the Stability of Political Infrastructure. With the success of party politics which has been able to be grouped socio-political forces into two Political Parties and one Working Group can be prevented the division of the Indonesian nation both mentally ideologically and physically into various groups. Law No. 3 of 1975 on political parties and working groups has solidified the grouping and ended the system of many parties in Indonesia, a condition which Indonesia has never achieved in the past. The same is true of social organization which is also an important component of our political infrastructure. According to Article 2 paragraph (1) of Law no. 8 year 1985 about social organization, social organization based on Pancasila as the only principle. Associated with the Unity of Indonesia, Pancasila democracy requires the integration of the nation and the blood of Indonesia, as well as demanding National identity, National personality and National stability. National integrity and national stability is a requirement for the realization of the power of the nation which in turn can be fostered towards the creation of National Resilience.
    Second, Supra Structure Political Stability. With supra political structure, consisting of constitutional institutions, namely the Supreme State institution will create stabbilitas or steadiness because supra political structure is supported by a stable infra political structure as well. The people, both in groups which subsequently constitute socio-political forces, or individually can participate in government through their representatives. Thus it means that the political system and also the Government mechanism can fulfill its function, namely:
    1.         Maintain the pattern, in the sense of maintaining the rules, customs, norms and procedures applicable.
    2.         Resolving tensions, in the sense of reconciling disagreements, conflicts and disagreements that always arise in society in ways and procedures that can satisfy all parties at best.
    3.         Adapt to changes, in the sense of having a great adaptability to adjust to developments that occur both within the community itself and abroad.
    4.         Able to achieve National objectives, in the sense of crystallizing the wishes of community members into a national goal that must be achieved and determining ways to achieve goals. Integrating, in the sense of being able to guarantee the integrity of the social system itself.
    Third, National Leadership Strong and Authoritative. The form of a presidential central government organization is intended to gain a strong and authoritative leadership of the government as well as a national leader that provides a dynamic guidance to the community. This powerful and authoritative National Leader is indispensable for desintegrative and destructive in an intensive and constructive direction on the basis and according to the spirit and spirit of Pancasila democracy. Often there is a great upheaval that plagued the Indonesian people, who on the one hand faced the situation of poverty and on the other hand experienced confusion about identity and culture itself.
    Fourth, Clean Effective and Efficient Government. Such a government is capable of organizing democratic government, able to improve the standard of living of the people, and able to implement a free and active foreign policy that supports the national interest and that contribute to world order based on independence, eternal peace and social justice. Pancasila democracy in the field of Supra political structure (constitutional institutions) based on the mechanism set forth in the 1945 Constitution can create a clean, effective and efficient government. This is due to: The existence of the control of the House of Representatives against the government, both executive control, tax control and financial control, The existence of unity between the leadership of the nation, government and holders of supreme power of ABRI, which can guarantee effective and efficient government in a strong sense able to act quickly and precisely.
    Fifth, Political Awareness, National Discipline and Social Dynamics. National political awareness and discipline is needed to create positive, constructive and accommodative social dynamics. Conveying opinions, controlling and using other political rights must be based on political awareness and national discipline so as not to cause anxiety, tension, shock and so on which in extreme circumstances can develop into social upheaval that clearly disrupt the National Resilience in general and in the field of politics in particular . In democracy Pancasila freedom must be accompanied by a sense of responsibility. By implementing Pancasila democracy and by preparing supra political structure in accordance with the spirit and spirit of Pancasila democracy, it can be enhanced political awareness, national discipline and social dynamics of society.
    Because this political issue is a significant problem whose solution we might not find spontaneously, but there needs to be a deeper and more radical review and analysis in solving this problem. There are some political problems that often occur in society, including:
    First, an unstable system of government. When the political temperatures can not go well where the politics of politics are chaotic, the underlying things happen is the system of government is also chaotic, the government policies are unstable, often overlap and too many prominent personal interests rather than the common interest to prosper the life of the nation.
    Second, Easy to be pre-location. The emergence of much upheaval or unrest both personally and organization, because it feels that their interests should be prioritized rather than other interests, issues that have not been properly verified because of the less stable conditions so quickly responded and responded with negative judgments.
    Third, the level of people's trust in the government declined. The public prefers to believe what they see than what the political elite reveals that the level of public confidence declines, eventually ignoring what the government decides for the benefit of the nation, for example: fuel is increased with the aim of citizens who can afford to buy Non-subsidized fuel but in fact many luxury cars are still using subsidized fuel.
    Fourth, Suffering for the people. The unstable situation of the situation affects all sectors of the nation's economy, and as a result the rising prices of basic commodities without offsetting a good inflationary value, results in an increase in the suffering of the people, which leads to an increase in unemployment rate with increasing poverty, due to the inability to follow the economic turmoil tall one.
    Political aspect is one aspect that will determine the progress of a country, in addition to economy and military. Many countries in the world that later became a large and growing country because of its agility in politics, such as the US that we may all have believed in political agility. All policies that the US does, will in any way affect the policies of other countries in the world, be they policy in the economic, social, cultural, and military. We see the reality that exists, the US today becomes a country that has universal political power. In the economic field, its capitalist system is used and adopted by almost all countries of the world. Then its political system, its military, etc. Almost every country in the world try to apply in its country life system. What about our country? Undoubtedly, a country that is said to be a diverse country whether it varies in the form of ethnies, cultures, languages, religions, etc. Its diversity greatly influences the political ethics of the country. How not, those who later dabbled in the political world with the aim of bringing change to Indonesia, but in fact when the opportunity he gained that goal seemed erased by the existing system, and the majority of them wanted change only to facilitate political interests for his group. Most of them can not defend the idealism they want to achieve. In a short sense, the absence of consistency from the culprit. Again this shows that in politics there is a very sensitive area of ​​morality, and its sensitivity can be caused by the practice of manipulation that has become the tradition of our founding fathers, money laundry practices that are now booming discussed, KKN which has become custom, Money Politic, etc. However, here we are not entitled and less wise if we judge political actors with a negative predicate, because many of them are then struggling to change and bring changes and reforms in the political system in our country.

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    Mark Hatfield - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Hatfield
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