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- narative essay for Mid test
Sabtu, 07 Juli 2018
Name: Sansan Arisandi
Nim: 1630911016
for: Mid Test (revised 4)
I was a student at the university, I took the opposite department with my ability. I entered the university to intended to got a degree in the field of literature. I always loved the English language. because I was reluctant to count. Although, it does not as easy as I think, because, I did not know much about the English, and I was reluctant to read the books. However, I had the bigs a dream and high aspiration in the understanding English. Sometimes, In the writing class, the lecturer gave us an assignment. That was My first assignment to made an essay and uploaded to the blog. I was very nervous about these assignments. Even though the lecturer gave our totality freedom. He wants our student hard worked and develops their mindset. I wondered, what the good way to finish this task? I was felt nervous to wrote the essay and I wasn't incorrect for my first assignment. Because My English was still very basic. My habit was lazy to write, and I was like to play social media made me difficult to finished this task.
Full of pressure, My first step was I read the method essay book from the lecturer and many references to these essay. To make me really sure what was knew about those. I did my best to take careful notes. Yet even after I took all these notes, book, and many references, then knew the essay inside and outside. I still did not know the right answer. What was I input on my essay? I could think of a million different theme of the written essay, but which one was correct and the lecturer want? I was used to an example and written in the Indonesian language. But those time My references and example should I understand in the English language. This assignment gave me a big problem. I completely on my own to come up with my individual mind. I felt useless to live, and I was want to exit in this department and moved to another department. Although I was given the positive thinking to this problem. Then I knew what should I do to My future life. Finally, I was work this assignment work hard until overtime work.
Next, when I sat down to write, however, the word just did not come to me. My ideas were all present, But the vocabulary and I did not understand the structure. I decided to try every prewriting strategy I could know. I was brainstormed, made idea maps and even wrote the first essay in the Indonesian language. Eventually, after a lot of stress, my ideas became more organized and the word fell on the page. I had my ideas about the ways to wrote an essay and I had my reasons for the assignment writing essay. I remember being unsure of myself, wondering what do I wrote that right, or if I was even on the right track. Through all the uncertainty, I continued writing the best I could. I finished the conclusion paragraph, had my friend proofread that for errors, and turned it in the next time simply hoping for the best.
Then, a week later, came to the correction day by my Lecturer. The lecturer has opened the essay all the students and gave the correction and grades us well we revise next time. Then, if we always to extend this assignment the lecturer can give the good score for the student. I remember, at the time I felt simultaneously afraid. However, that I had nothing to worry about. Then, I was the hard work to extend this assignment. Last Time, I was very surprised because the lecturer gave me a good score for my assignment. And his notes suggested that Wrote an effective essay overall and so just pick up. He wrote that my reading of the essay was very original and that my thoughts were well organized. My relief and newfound confidence upon reading his comments made me continued to learn English for success next time, then to change all my life.
What I learned through this process and that is made the changes in my life. I was learned to be open to new challenges. This class and assignment gave me the self-confident, critical thinking skills, and courage to try a new daily activity in every free time. I left the habit of a waste of time and I began to hobby read many books. Most important is the English grammar book helping me in the good writing and good speech. More important, that class and paper helped me understand education differently. Instead of seeing college as a direct stepping stone to a career, I learned to see college as a place to first learn and then seek a career or enhance an existing career. By giving me the space to express my own interpretation and to argue for my own values. My writing class taught me the importance of education for education’s sake, because completely dark before the dawn.
Revise: 4