Archive for Januari 2018
Sundanese Humanist
Sundanese tribe is an ethnic group from the west side of Java island, Indonesia. With the name of Tatar Pasundan which spread from West Java province, Banten, Jakarta, Lampung and the west side of Middle Java. Sundanese people spread all over Indonesia, with Banten and West Java provinces as the main territory.
Like the other tribe and other nation, Sundanese people also have cultural rich in form of literature. Since 14 centuries, had been discovered about Sundanese culture. Then the existence and the life of Sundanese literature grow until now. Lots of Sundanese Humanist still active making literature and publish it in the magazine.
Sundanese Humanist is a person who cares about culture value. He can be an artist or observers of culture can be called humanist from Sunda. Everyone who involved in culture deserves to be called humanist. Of course, this person is not only involved but he understands and capable protecting the culture which was inherited. There is five well known Sundanese humanist figure in Indonesia: Ajip Rosidi, Hidayat Suryalaga, Ayatrohaedi, Tati Saleh, and Raden Machjar Angga Koesoemadinata.
First, Ajip Rosidi is known as a writer, humanist, lecturer, and also act as an editor in many publishing offices. He was known as a writer who writes in two languages: Indonesia and Sunda. His work really good and had been translated into many different languages. He also built the Rancage cultural foundation. This foundation gives an appreciation to Sunda, Java, Bali, and Lampung literature. Now, he is part of Sunda study center.
Next, Hidayat Suryalaga or known as Abah Surya was a lecturer at Padjadjaran University and Pasundan University. This figure put an interest in Sundanese literature. He creates lots of work, especially Sundanese play script. He made 36 play script. His play script many staged by a theater group in Bandung and another region in West Java. Not only writing a play script, he also the founder of Sunda Kiwari Theater and he also writes lots of book for school.
The third is Ayatrohaedi. He is a well-known person. He was known as a humanist and a lecturer. To achieve Doktor degree he made a dissertation with a title: Bahasa Sunda di Daerah Cirebon: Sebuah Kajian Lokabasa. That dissertation got so many compliments. He died in Sukabumi, 18 February 2006. His works not only in Indonesia but also in Sunda, his famous creation is Hujan Munggaran which published in 1960.
Continue to the next is Tati Saleh. She is a well-known Jaipong figure in Indonesia. Her full name is Raden Siti Hatijah. Not only dancing, Tati Saleh also a singer. Her career as a humanist makes her name not only in Indonesia but also International knows her name. Because her works making Jaipong and Sundanese song popular, she stamped as a humanist with great effort.
The last one is Raden Machjar Angga Koesoemadinata a figure who deserves to be mention if talking about Sundanese Humanist. His nickname is Pak Machjar and he is a famous Sundanese songwriter. His works which still exist until now is his discovery in Sundanese notation. He is the one who introduces notation da mi na ti la, Sundanese music tone pentatonic. He also who introduces 17 Sundanese music scale. For his services for the development of Indonesian Music, especially Sundanese Karawitan, he achieved a reward from Minister of Education and Culture on 17 August 1969.
There is five well known Sundanese humanist figure in Indonesia: Ajip Rosidi, Hidayat Suryalaga, Ayatrohaedi, Tati Saleh, and Raden Machjar Angga Koesoemadinata. Actually, there is still lots of Sundanese Humanist in Tatar Sunda but they are the most well known and most respected of them all.
As a student and of course as an Indonesian citizen we have to protect our culture and respect the other. Like in our national symbol "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" we are different but still one.
Types of Gamer
Last post I was sharing about types of games which I divided into 3 types: paid to play, paid to win, and free to play. Now I will share about the player of the game itself. We know sometimes games are very easy to play, but sometimes games also become very difficult to play. Some people take it calmly but some people take it too seriously. From my experience, there are 3 types of the gamer when playing a game: playing for fun, playing for achievement, and playing for the win.
First, playing for fun is a type of gamer who plays only to reduce stress or just to have fun. This type of gamer not playing the game too serious and when playing a difficult game they prefer to play it slowly while enjoying the game itself. They usually not playing action game, they play a game like the sims and other simulation game with cartoon graphic.
Next is playing for achievement is a gamer who plays in long duration to complete the game 100%. They usually looking for achievement because they think it's the best part of the game itself. When you finally got all the achievement that is where the best part of the game and sometimes completing the achievement give the player some benefits in the game.
The last is play for the win. This gamer always aims for winning. This gamer also knew as "The Rage" because they always want to win and when they lose they will blaming the team, using bad words, yelling, or even crying. But, when they win they usually mocking the other nor it is the opposite team or even their own team.
From my experience, there are 3 kinds of gamer: playing for fun, playing for achievement and the last one is playing for the win. For myself maybe I am in the group of gamer who playing for the achievement. So, what kind of gamer are you?
final test asignment by Sansan Arisandi
West Java is the province of Indonesia, their life the Sundanese tribe, they have many cultures like traditional dance, traditional music, traditional tool music, traditional art and tribal ceremony. Actually, Sundanese has many cultures but some people do not know all culture in the Sundanese land. In this occasion, I will tell about the traditional culture of Sundanese land that is Rampak gendang.
Rampak Gendang is the traditional art of west java. The word “Rampak” from Sundanese language that is meaningful in unison or all together. Therefore, Rampak Gendang always showing by two people or more. Gendang or Kendang is the traditional tool music play the way to the beat. The Nayaga (player) kendang in rampak kendang art more than two people. The gendang play the rhythm was dynamic and simultaneously. Usually, it will be followed by a movement in the form of dance in a compact between the player's kendang.
Quantity in the Rampak Gendang show depending on necessity stage, at least five people. Sometimes until 100 people. The player in the Rampak gendang equipped with the Pangrawit, Pangrawit is player gending gamelan harmony. Pangrawit composed of bonang, rincik, saron I, saron II, peking, demung, kenong, goong and rebab.
When in the show player to wear the Sundanese traditional clothes, like for Pangrawit to wear takwa, sinyang(sheath), udeng (turban). And for player rampak kendang they wear special clothes with the motif Sundanese region, with the interesting color according to the uniform.
Rampak kendang usually show in the specific reception, in the large building although on the special stage. Every player kendang play the kendang indung ( Big kendang) and 2 kulanter ( little kendang). Every player sits on the back of kendang in the position played kendang. The position every player set to be seen by the audience. And it is to facilitate the movement of players.
For the gamelan with Pangrawit on the back or being next to player kendang. With a command from a gending begin the player kendang. Metreka to sounded kendang according to all together play the composition song according to at the same time and by hand movements, together with altogether body movement. Sometimes by shout all together, sometimes too silent.
Related to Kendang, kendang is traditional tool music made from animal skin and the body kendang from wood. usually the skinned animal for kendang from sheep or goat skin, buffalo skin, cow skin. before the skin to use for kendang, that skin was be washed, apply by the salt, furthermore be dried out dry, after dry skin can be used for skin gendang. then the function wood is for the body, usually the wood for kendang from mahogany wood, teakwood, or a nice wood other. that wood, wood must be really good.
Recently Rampak gendang usually a collaboration with other cultural art like jaipong and gamelan. So the music featured is different than before. so that will make many people interest in saw that show. It is not just locally but also from abroad will be interested, they will invite to the stage in the country. it is not even just watching but they also want to study it. like the University of America, in the course of art, there are materials learned is an art performance and the lecturer come from Indonesian.
In the Rampak Gendang art performance, there is a historical value associated with the sides. Because there are illustrated that the sides have a harmonious relationship, get along, based on the attitude of mutual cooperation as well as joy because for those who witnessed the performance will be entertained and happy.
In the conclusion, so the Rampak Gendang is traditional music from Sundanese, that have historical value, that illustrates the Sundanese. that art should be put on hold and continue to be preserved so as not to become extinct by the time. As a successor to the nation's best, we have to defend it.
reference from :
Name: Sansan Arisandi
Nim: 1630911016
Final test assignment
Rampak Gendang
West Java is the province of Indonesia, their life the Sundanese tribe, they have many cultures like traditional dance, traditional music, traditional tool music, traditional art and tribal ceremony. Actually, Sundanese has many cultures but some people do not know all culture in the Sundanese land. In this occasion, I will tell about the traditional culture of Sundanese land that is Rampak gendang.
Rampak Gendang is the traditional art of west java. The word “Rampak” from Sundanese language that is meaningful in unison or all together. Therefore, Rampak Gendang always showing by two people or more. Gendang or Kendang is the traditional tool music play the way to the beat. The Nayaga (player) kendang in rampak kendang art more than two people. The gendang play the rhythm was dynamic and simultaneously. Usually, it will be followed by a movement in the form of dance in a compact between the player's kendang.
Quantity in the Rampak Gendang show depending on necessity stage, at least five people. Sometimes until 100 people. The player in the Rampak gendang equipped with the Pangrawit, Pangrawit is player gending gamelan harmony. Pangrawit composed of bonang, rincik, saron I, saron II, peking, demung, kenong, goong and rebab.
When in the show player to wear the Sundanese traditional clothes, like for Pangrawit to wear takwa, sinyang(sheath), udeng (turban). And for player rampak kendang they wear special clothes with the motif Sundanese region, with the interesting color according to the uniform.
Rampak kendang usually show in the specific reception, in the large building although on the special stage. Every player kendang play the kendang indung ( Big kendang) and 2 kulanter ( little kendang). Every player sits on the back of kendang in the position played kendang. The position every player set to be seen by the audience. And it is to facilitate the movement of players.
For the gamelan with Pangrawit on the back or being next to player kendang. With a command from a gending begin the player kendang. Metreka to sounded kendang according to all together play the composition song according to at the same time and by hand movements, together with altogether body movement. Sometimes by shout all together, sometimes too silent.
Related to Kendang, kendang is traditional tool music made from animal skin and the body kendang from wood. usually the skinned animal for kendang from sheep or goat skin, buffalo skin, cow skin. before the skin to use for kendang, that skin was be washed, apply by the salt, furthermore be dried out dry, after dry skin can be used for skin gendang. then the function wood is for the body, usually the wood for kendang from mahogany wood, teakwood, or a nice wood other. that wood, wood must be really good.
Recently Rampak gendang usually a collaboration with other cultural art like jaipong and gamelan. So the music featured is different than before. so that will make many people interest in saw that show. It is not just locally but also from abroad will be interested, they will invite to the stage in the country. it is not even just watching but they also want to study it. like the University of America, in the course of art, there are materials learned is an art performance and the lecturer come from Indonesian.
In the Rampak Gendang art performance, there is a historical value associated with the sides. Because there are illustrated that the sides have a harmonious relationship, get along, based on the attitude of mutual cooperation as well as joy because for those who witnessed the performance will be entertained and happy.
In the conclusion, so the Rampak Gendang is traditional music from Sundanese, that have historical value, that illustrates the Sundanese. that art should be put on hold and continue to be preserved so as not to become extinct by the time. As a successor to the nation's best, we have to defend it.
reference from :
Name : Rizki Rabiul Ts
NIM : 1630911025
Safar is one of the names of the name in
Islamic calendar pronunciation of the Sundanese tongue. The origin of Safar from “Shafar”, which has the meaning of "empty". In the ancient
Arab tradition of pre-Islam, the month of Safar
was the month of war. Arab society this month is not much activity and
trade because disturbed war that raging between tribes. From those events came
a variety of negative myths surrounding the month of Safar. Along with the entry of Islam to Sundanese, the myths are
also pervasive in the thinking community. The Sundanese consider pamali to have a feast of celebration,
such as the marriage or the sunatan
of a child in the month of Safar. In
addition, they believe will come down various diseases and disasters this month
and as a peak occurs on the wekasan Rebo day. Some of the famous safar myths by Sundanese people are:
Paceklik Order
Sundanese people are
not so well-known systems of calculation of good days (astrology) like the Java
community. However, the myth of the prohibit on marriage this month was very
strongly embedded in the minds of the people. Although Sundanese people are now
much more modern, but still they feel reluctant to have a party this month. They
believe the marriage bond done in Safar
month will not last, and in the future it will be difficult to get children.
This is further
reinforced by the view that the month of Safar
is a dog-mating month. In some areas of Sundanese, especially areas close to
the forest and there are still wild dogs, this month often heard barking and
dog howling. The dogs are riding lust and doing marriage. Therefore, the
Sundanese are not married this month because they do not want to be equated
with the animal that is considered unclean.
These conditions of course bring economic influence to the people who wrestle in the celebration party business. The entrepreneurs of wedding planners, artists, including preachers suffered a famine order, because no one invites. They finally stop for a job, even some of them are forced to look for work in other fields for a while.
The famine state of this order only ends when the month comes. In a Sundanese proverb mentioned “kokoro manggih mulud” people who are miserable then get great blessings like the month mulud. Workers in the celebration business that in the moon safar in lonely conditions, entering the month mulud they re-crowded orders.
These conditions of course bring economic influence to the people who wrestle in the celebration party business. The entrepreneurs of wedding planners, artists, including preachers suffered a famine order, because no one invites. They finally stop for a job, even some of them are forced to look for work in other fields for a while.
The famine state of this order only ends when the month comes. In a Sundanese proverb mentioned “kokoro manggih mulud” people who are miserable then get great blessings like the month mulud. Workers in the celebration business that in the moon safar in lonely conditions, entering the month mulud they re-crowded orders.
The Month Balae
The month of Safar is also believed to be the balae month (many disasters). This
belief has been deeply imprinted in the minds of the Sundanese people. In this
month down 70,000 diseases for one year ahead. Various calamities and disasters
also appear in this month. Just look at the various disasters that currently
continue to hit several regions in Indonesia, according to some traditional
Sundanese is a sign of the truth of the myth.
The myth of the month
is also reinforced by the story of the history of the destruction of society
past. Since ancient times disaster has always been revealed in Safar month. God has punished
unbelievers like the 'Ad and Tsamud this month.
But the peak of all
times the downs of the disaster occurred on Wednesday, the usual called Rebo wekasan is the last Wednesday in Safar month. Therefore, to protect
themselves and families from various balae
the Sundanese people do alms and rituals tolak
bala. By giving charity to the poor they believe the reinforcements will
stay away and they are free from it.
While the ritual of tolak bala is done by praying and
bathing in the beach, river or certain sacred places to throw bad luck. In
Cirebon Safar bath ritual is known as
ngirab. Although this bathing ritual
has eroded the times and the more rarely do the community but the ritual of
praying prayer repellent reinforcements on the night Rebo wekasan still maintained and practiced.
Some Sundanese people
regard the beliefs surrounding the month Safar
is merely an unproven myth. However, for others the belief is seen as having a
bond with local wisdom. Prohibition to do activity in the month of Safar is right because in this month
weather conditions are often unfriendly. This prohibition can also be
positioned as a growing awareness of the balance of life. Society is taught
there is a time to rejoice, rejoice and feast, and sometimes they should rest
and prepare for trials, sorrows and sorrows. That way will grow a more real
life awareness. Tolak bala
reinforcements with lots of giving alms contains a sense of social solidarity
to help each other and help each other. When in this month there is no
celebration party, the poor people who used to help become lost.
Final Test Assignment - The Jaipongan
Final Test Assignment - The Jaipongan
Traditional dance is one of the cultural heritages that owned by the tribes in Indonesia, because Indonesia is a big country and has many tribes, it is no wonder that based by the source taken from Wikipedia that says in Indonesia there are about more than 3000 traditional dances. The number of traditional dances that so many depicts that Indonesia has a very rich diversity in terms of dance art. There is so many traditional dance in Indonesia which is well known by the Indonesian people, one of them is the Jaipong dance or Jaipongan which is a popular traditional dance from West Java. In this paragraph essay will explain more about Jaipongan, which is about ; the description and history, the characteristics, the dance movements, the musical accompaniment, the dance costumes, the dance properties, the setting of the stage and the last is about the current developments of Jaipong.
Firstly, who doesn’t know about the Jaipong dance?. Jaipongan is a traditional dance from West Java that is very popular in Indonesia this dance is combines several other traditional arts, such as Wayang Golek, Ketuk Tilu, etc. Jaipong is often featured at various events such as at entertainment event, welcoming the important guest and also at cultural festival. According from the history, this dance was created by an artist from Karawang, his name is H. Suanda. This dance was began to popularized since 1976 through a cassete media that named “Suanda Grup”, it turns out to give a good response from the Karawang people, so this dance becomes a means of entertaintment for the community of Karawang. Then, Gugum Gumbira, an artist from Bandung introduced this dance to the Bandung people, he was developed this dance in Bandung with the inspiration from several art such as Ketuk Tilu, Kleningan, and also the Ronggeng dance, and now Jaipong dance becomes a popular dance and also be regarded as one of the symbols of art in West Java.
Then, the characteristic that exist in jaipongan besides the cheerfullness, this dance also known for its spontaneity, humority, passion and seductive moves, and Jaipongan is also known from its simplicity which can be seen from its populist movements. This characteristic is then widely used as form of social and fraternal dance. When this dance is performed, the atmosphere of the event turns to be cheerful and full of joy.
This dance is usually played by the dancers with individually, in pairs or in groups. The movements in Jaipongan is an attractive dance with dynamic movement, the dancers are dance in a coherent motion to each other. In addition, the formation of the dancers movements adds the beauty of the dance. The Jaipongan movement has 4 varieties, those are ; bukaan movement which is the motion that start the dance, then the pacungan or fast movement, next is ngala and the last is mincit which is the movement of transition between one mone motion with another motion after ngala movement.
Furthermore, Jaipongan is performed with accompanied by an orchestra of various musical instruments which is called “Degungan”, Degungan consist of various kinds of traditional musical intruments such as Kendang, Ketuk, Rebab, Goong, Kecrek, etc. The characteristic from Degungan in Jaipongan in its musical accompaniment lies in the sound of Kendang that often become sounds in tune with the movements of Jaipongan dancers.
The costumes that worn by Jaipongan dancers in the show are often found in various forms, but the differences that cannot be separated from the jaipong dance is the two main costume part, Sinjang and Apok. Sinjang is a long cloth that is used to cover the waist down. Apok is dress, the form is a longtorso, which is wrapped around the body from the chest to the hip. Apok is decorated with various beads and gold laces.
Next is about the setting stage in Jaipongan, this dance is often performed by one dancer only, it’s based on the rules from the dance creator, that Jaipongan would be better if played by an odd number of dancer, that could be one, three or five. All the main dancers are women, who usually invite the mens who have the right to join the jaipong dance as long as they have to pay the saweran for the Jaipongan dancers.
Then, its about the property that used in jaipong dance, the properties that is used by dancers is not much, the dancers usually wear Sampur or shawl that is worn around the neck, the presence of Sampur becomes an important property in this dance performance. The presence of sampur makes each dancer’s movements look so distinctive. Besides sampur, the property used is the crown, the crown is used to beautify the appearance of dancers, especially from the appereance of the dancer’s head. Sampur and crown is complementary properties of fashion from the jaipong dancers.
The last is about the development of this dance today, jaipong dance commonly refered to as a typical dance from West Java, this can be seen because this dance is always performed when there are guests from abroad who come to West Java. This dance has been included in many other arts that is exist in West Java, such as the Wayang show, Degungan, Genjringan, etc. Even today, jaipong dance is often collaborated with modern dangdut. Although now this dance is still well know by many people, but it is inevitable the fact that this dance show becomes rare because today’s generation is less interested in traditional culture, including Jaipongan as well.
In conclusion, the Jaipongan is a popular traditional dance from West java. Originally, this dance was created in Karawang, but in its development, Jaipong is more famous in Bandung. In addition to having some distinctive features in it such as the joyful, Jaipongan is also has a strong fraternity values, this can be seen from the movement if the dancers are coherent to each other. The accompanient of music that is used for Jaipongan is played by Degung which is composed of various kinds of traditional musical instruments. The main costume part that worn by the jaipong dancers are Sinjang and Apok, and the additional properties like Sampur and crown. In its development, this dance now is well known especially in West Java, because usually this dance is performed at the time of important event in there. Although Jaipongan is well known by people but undeniable because of the shift of the era, this dance rarely performed, because there are so not so many people who perform or master Jaipongan, but of course in order to prevent this dance to become extinct, then we must keeo this dance by preserving it and not forgetting this precious heritage.
Name : Ilham Maulana Firdaus
NIM. : 1630911024
The mountain is part of the earth's surface that is
higher than the surrounding area. The mountain can be a place of recreation or
a tourist attraction by nature lovers who love challenges with various activities
such as camping, mountain climbing, and rock climbing. mountains that I will
discuss that is Mount Salak. Mount Salak is a volcano that is administratively
located in Sukabumi District. This mountain has several peaks among them is the
peak Salak I with a height of 2211 m above sea level and Salak II peak with a
height of 2180 m above sea level. The name of Salak comes from the Sansekerta
language "Salaka" which means silver. Climbing Mount Salak can go
through several climbing routes. The peak that is often climbed is peak I.
Climbing this mountain can be done with three alternative climbing routes,
there is:
The first through the path Cidahu, Sukabumi. One of
the paths often used by mountaineers is from Wana Wisata Cangkuang, Cidahu
Subdistrict, Sukabumi district, from this place there are two climbing routes,
namely the old path to the top of I and the new path leading to Kawah Ratu.
Wana Wisata Cangkuang is often used to be a campsite with beautiful waterfall
scenery and often used climbers to the crater of the Queen. From this path also
climbers can go to Top Salak 1.
At the entrance of Wana Wisata there is a comfortable place for
camping, there are also many food stalls. From this path can go to Kawah Ratu,
the time required is about 3-5 hours drive. While to get to the top of Mount
Salak I required about 8 hours drive. From camp to shelter 3 has a steep start
line, then moist and wet. In this shelter there is a clear river and there is a
place large enough to set up a tent with a view of dense tropical forest.
Towards shelter 4, the path is getting steeper. This path is red soil.
Shelter 4 is a crossroads. To go to Kawah Ratu take the road to the
left, while to get to the top of Mount Salak take the path to the right. In
this shelter has a large area to build a tent.
The second through the Kutajaya or Cimelati Line
This path is the shortest and fastest climbing route to Mount Salak, but along
the climber path it will be difficult to find water sources, so that clean
water must be prepared from the bottom.
The journey begins from the village of Kutajaya through the fields and
farms of the population, because the number of branching then the trip should
be done during the day, try to always follow the ridge.
If a few difficult to find the path can follow the direction to the
waterfall. There are clear markings on every post, but the signposts to the
summit are very rare. Along this path there is not enough space to open the
tent. In some posts there is enough space to set up 1-2 small tents. This path
is rarely passed by climbers so that sometimes covered with grass and leaves.
Next will be found the junction of Kutajaya, waterfall and towards the
summit. Walking towards the summit about a few hundred meters will be found Pos
3. This line continues to climb through forests are quite dense. In Pos 4
climbers will find branching again. Here there is a plumbing, do not follow the
plumbing, either up (left) or down (right).
After passing Post 4 lane looks quite clear and not many branches
anymore. By walking about 1 hour will arrive at Post 5. To get to Pos 6 takes
about 1 hour drive. In Pos 6 there is enough flat land to erect a tent. Still
needed more time about 1 hour drive to summit Mount Salak 1. The journey pass
this path will until right beside grave of Mbah Gunung Salak or peak of Mount
Salak 1 with height 2,211 MASL.
The thrid Giri Jaya Strips are found at Wana Wisata
Curug Pilung, Giri Jaya Village, Cidahu Subdistrict, Sukabumi Regency. To the
summit of Mount Salak from this path can be traversed with travel time 5 - 8
hours journey.
From the entrance of Wana Wisata Curug Pilung by walking a few meters
will be seen gate entrance Pasarean Eyang Santri. From there climbers can walk
through people's homes, then going to the gardens of people's homes. After
walking 15 minutes climbers will arrive at a hermitage Eyang Santri,
surrounding there is a clean toilet in it. Climbers have to take clean water
from here because through this path to reach the peak there are no springs.
Under the hermitage of Eyang Santri there is a beautiful waterfall,
named is Curug Pilung. This area can also be used for camping. From the
hermitage location Eyang Santri climbers will pass a somewhat sloping path,
past the tree of resin trees. When the good weather from here can be seen Mount
Gede and Mount Pangrango very clearly. The slopes are overgrown with large
trees and dense. Within an hour's journey the path is still a bit sloping and
through a narrow and slippery road.
About 3-4 hours climbers will arrive at a tomb of Eyang Santri. Around
the tomb there is a mosque and a cottage. From this tomb the path is getting
steeper, goes through the roots and the ground. From this place still takes 2
hours drive to the top.
In some places have to climb a slippery rock that is around the rim is
a ravine. Further climbers will arrive at the meeting point coming from
Cangkuang, precisely in shelter 7. From Shelter 7 the lane has started to
gently slop past the tree roots. About 10 minutes later we will reach the top
of Mount Salak I.
So there are three routes to the top of Salak 1,
the route cidahu, route kutajaya / cimelati, route girijaya. It is recommended
if you want to climb the mountain of bark 1, use one of these three lines,
because this is the official route to the top of Salak 1.
problem/solution. for final assignment.
The forests are the sustainers of life on earth, because forests not only provide food and production materials, but also producers of oxygen, retaining layers of soil, and store water reserves. however, The continuous exploitation of forests has been ongoing until now without being balanced with replanting, causing the forest to be damaged. The illegal logging by humans is one of the main causes of forest destruction.The illegal logging that has a negative impact on the sustainability of forest resources has led to various losses due to illegal logging having broad dimensions not only on economic issues but also on social, political and environmental issues. Forest Conservation Need and Must be implemented in order for the forest back up it is sustainability. The three most commonly proposed solutions to overcoming this problem are reforestation, Implementing a clear-cutting system in logging activities, Impose severe sanctions for those who violate forest management provisions.
The first solution, Reforestation or replanting of deforested forests, it is the solution for restoring forest as usual full of plant, reforestation is often referred to as the recovery of the woods. the benefits of reforestation are reduced soil erosion by wind and water, the preservation of the fertility of farmland surrounding areas, raising of groundwater, the restoration of biodiversity, prevention of the flood by the storage of water capacity in the woods, use of wood or exploitation of fruit, leaves, capture, and storage of the CO2 to reducing the effect greenhouse.
Another solution to the preservation of the forest is to implementing a system cutting-planting in deforestation. through this way forest whit sustainability it is not going to be extinct and will grow new trees, the land will remain pasture, the source of water will be maintained. this solution is very important for everyone, especially for children and grandchildren.
The best solution, then, is to find the alternative to deal with deforestation in the wild is impose severe sanctions for those who violate forest management provisions. the law of the environment is defined by central government and local government although no much people know, like in Indonesian "INSTRUKSI PRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIA ( IMPRES ) NOMOR 4 TAHUN 2005 that contain about “combating illegal logging there the forest and it is circulation throughout the region of the Republic of Indonesia". If the law has been made and was passed, it means the entire society must conform to and comply with regulations. although if to violate must be imposed the sanction. The sanction of reprimand, threat, until punishment. erecting of the law must be implemented by the society as well as government. In order for legislation that would be made was not in vain and can be implemented well.
It is clear that for us to have sufficient energy resource and natural wealth from the forest for A children and grandchildren in next era, it will be necessary to help economic, social, and environment in this country. If we ignore this problem, what will become of our children? What will life be like for them in the next year 2050?
Name: Sansan Arisandi
Nim: 1630911016
The forest is a source of life. A Dilemma for the next generation
The forests are the sustainers of life on earth, because forests not only provide food and production materials, but also producers of oxygen, retaining layers of soil, and store water reserves. however, The continuous exploitation of forests has been ongoing until now without being balanced with replanting, causing the forest to be damaged. The illegal logging by humans is one of the main causes of forest destruction.The illegal logging that has a negative impact on the sustainability of forest resources has led to various losses due to illegal logging having broad dimensions not only on economic issues but also on social, political and environmental issues. Forest Conservation Need and Must be implemented in order for the forest back up it is sustainability. The three most commonly proposed solutions to overcoming this problem are reforestation, Implementing a clear-cutting system in logging activities, Impose severe sanctions for those who violate forest management provisions.
The first solution, Reforestation or replanting of deforested forests, it is the solution for restoring forest as usual full of plant, reforestation is often referred to as the recovery of the woods. the benefits of reforestation are reduced soil erosion by wind and water, the preservation of the fertility of farmland surrounding areas, raising of groundwater, the restoration of biodiversity, prevention of the flood by the storage of water capacity in the woods, use of wood or exploitation of fruit, leaves, capture, and storage of the CO2 to reducing the effect greenhouse.
Another solution to the preservation of the forest is to implementing a system cutting-planting in deforestation. through this way forest whit sustainability it is not going to be extinct and will grow new trees, the land will remain pasture, the source of water will be maintained. this solution is very important for everyone, especially for children and grandchildren.
The best solution, then, is to find the alternative to deal with deforestation in the wild is impose severe sanctions for those who violate forest management provisions. the law of the environment is defined by central government and local government although no much people know, like in Indonesian "INSTRUKSI PRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIA ( IMPRES ) NOMOR 4 TAHUN 2005 that contain about “combating illegal logging there the forest and it is circulation throughout the region of the Republic of Indonesia". If the law has been made and was passed, it means the entire society must conform to and comply with regulations. although if to violate must be imposed the sanction. The sanction of reprimand, threat, until punishment. erecting of the law must be implemented by the society as well as government. In order for legislation that would be made was not in vain and can be implemented well.
It is clear that for us to have sufficient energy resource and natural wealth from the forest for A children and grandchildren in next era, it will be necessary to help economic, social, and environment in this country. If we ignore this problem, what will become of our children? What will life be like for them in the next year 2050?
Name: Sansan Arisandi
Nim: 1630911016
Final Test Assignment - Comparisons Between Pencak Silat And Karate
Difference Between Pencak Silat and
Martial Arts is codified combat skill which have a main reason for self-defense, and spiritual activity. As a human, naturally we have an instinct to protect ourselves from harm like wild animal, and war. In this world, there are so many unique martial arts, but the most renowned are Kung Fu, Wing Tsun, Taekwondo, Aikido, Ninjutsu, Pencak Silat and Karate. Each one of them have the difference style of movement, weapon, and techniques, the oldest renowned martial art is from Spain between 10.000 and 6000 BC.
Indonesia also has its own martial arts called "Pencak Silat". Pencak Silat history come from Sundanese traditional self-defense culture, pencak silat once called as "Pencak Sunda" but day by day silat spread throughout Indonesia even the other country such as Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Brunei, and many more. There is a unique traditional self-defense culture like silat called "Karate". Karate martial arts that come from Japan especially from Ryukyu kingdoms, it has a relationship with Kung Fu (Chinese Martial Arts), karate practicioner called as "Karateka". There are seven differences between Silat and Karate, such as technique, weapon, organization, outfits, competition, arena, and ranks.
The first one is technique, there are nine basic techniques in pencak silat they are called kuda-kuda, sikap pasang, arahan, pola langkah, pukulan, tendangan, tangkisan, guntingan and kuncian. Most important technique in silat is kuda-kuda, because the function is not only for attacking it can be used as defensive stance.In karate, there are only four basic techniques they are dachi, zuki, geri, and uke. Same with silat, dachi is the most important basic technique. Silat movement look a little bit slower than karate but that is still deadly compared to karate.
For the weapons, silat usually using staves, keris, kujang. Silat have a mystical weapon called "Ilmu Kebal" or the immunity from sharp weapon, and gun, this mystical art usually using by sundanese traditional tribes called "Baduy" from Banten province. Karate usually "pure" bare-handed and have no special weapon, but karate have a quick deadly movement in order for taking down the enemies.
In Indonesia there is a pencak silat organization called IPSI or Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia. IPSI formed in 18 May at Surakarta, Center Java now led by Letjen TNI Prabowo Subianto.For karate, there is a famous organization in Indonesia called FORKI or Federasi Olahraga Karate-do Indonesia, this organization formed in 10 March 1964 at Jakarta, now led by Gatot Nurmantyo.
Like the others martial art outfits, Silat usually have a white coloured outfits but sometimes there are some silat institution wearing a black uniform. Same with silat, karate have a white coloured outfits, but the difference is karate's uniform is much lighter than silat, because karate is designed for speed. Karate uniform is called "Karate-gi" similar with Juudo uniform or "Juudo-gi", but juudo's uniform is much heavier than karate itself.
Pencak silat international competition is led by PERSILAT, this competition take places every two or three years period, and more than thirty national teams competed at Jakarta, Indonesia (2010), Chiang Rai, Thailand (2012), and Phuket, Northern Thailand (2015). In 2016, Pencak silat competition take places at Denpasar, Bali Indonesia. For karate, there is a competition called as, World Karate Championship. This competition is the highest level of karate competition and organized by World Karate Federation (WKF), karate world championship held every two years in different city. In 2018 there will be a karate international competition at Spain.
Silat have an arena size with 10x10 m width, the floor is covered with mattres with maximal thickness at five centimeters, for "Tanding" or Sparring category silat have 10x10 m width and at the center of arena there is a circle with 8 meters width. Meanwhile, karate have 8x8 m width the floor is made with mattres, and each side have safety fence sized 2 meters. For world championship, karate have 10x10 m, with three coloured mattres such as white, red, and blue.
In pencak silat, there are four skill ranks, they are pemula, menengah, pelatih, and pendekar. Pemula or beginner is taught all of the basic movement techniques, menengah or intermediate in this rank the silat fighter focused on the applications of basic movement, and start learning the variety movement, next one is pelatih, pelatih or trainer have a deadly combination from the basic movement and teach to the lower level silat fighter, last one is pendekar, pendekar is the highest level skill rank in silat, they have approvement from the elder of silat institution and have a secret deadly movement. For karate, there are five skill rank, they are denshi, kohai, senpai, sensei, and shihan. Denshi is a name for regular karateka, kohai mean junior student, senpai is higher level of kohai they have intermediate skill of karate, next one is sensei, sensei have a black belt of karate, which is they are master of denshi, kohai, and senpai, the last one is shihan, shihan is the highest level of all karateka ranks, some karateka call this rank as "Master".
So which are the most deadliest martial arts? they are both deadly and great self-defense techniques. We just need to be patient and keep practicing if we want to become a "Master" in martial arts. Both silat and karate, they are the traditional self-defense culture that came from the different country, we must keep conserving them from the extinction. In this modern era, the number of pure traditional martial arts include silat and karate has been decreased slowly, as Indonesian we must keeping silat as our ancestors gift from the extinction.
Final Assignment - Solutions to Overcome Depression
Solutions to Overcome Depression
Depression is a real mental ilness that can affects our mindset, feeling, mood and daily activities. If we are depressed, we will feel some things like sadness, hopeless, have no motivation and losing interest in everything we used to like. Many people think depression is a trivial condition and may relieve quickly, but actually depression is a condition that is very difficult to be relieved quickly. If someone gets too wrapped up with his depression, then he will having a thought that his life is pointless, and this will cause him to commiting suicide, of course we don’t want it that way it, so if you are depressed, you must make some efforts to prevent the depression to getting bigger, in this essay paragraph will explain some solutions to overcome depression, such as ; trying to accept yourself, reconize your negative thoughts, doing the medical treatment and the last is doing the psychotheraphy.
The first one, is trying to accept yourself. When you fail in the attempt to get rid of depression, you better trying to accept everything that you have, you should try to start concentrating on the things that you are capable of doing. Rather than change your life forcedly because you want to get rid from your depression, it will only add your burden, and also note that is useless to always thinking about depression that you feeling. Start trying to accept everything that is going on inside you and around you as well so you can have the determination to overcome your depression.
The second solution is reconize your negative thoughts. The negative thoughts you have is one of the factor that can lead you into the depression, the way to control it is to write down your negative thoughts everyday for a while, so you can identify, classify, and examine your negative thoughts. With the results of your writing, you will be able to reconize the negative mindset that you have, and you can stop your depression cycle.
Furthermore is doing the medical treatment, to overcome your depression, you can consume the anti depressant drugs that can affect your brain and nerve cells by altering the neurotransmitter which nerve cells use for us to communicate. This drug is safe to use and doesn’t cause the dependence and doesn’t also have the side effects that are harmful your body, but in its use should be based on the appropriate dose that given by the doctor.
The last solution to overcome your depression is by doing the psychotheraphy, ini this solution you are required to come to a psychterapist. By colsulting with a psychoterapist you will be helped to understand what are the psychological reasons that cause you to feel depressed, then the psychoterapist will also support you to go through such a difficult process by giving some advice, but you should not be overly dpendent on the help of psychoterapist because you have to keep control of yourself to change your mindset with your own efforts.
So, if you are feeling so depressed and you dont know how to make your condition much better, you should trying to make your depression doesn’t get worse by doing one of the solutions above which can help you to relieve and even can make you get out of the depression.
Solutions to Overcome Depression
Depression is a real mental ilness that can affects our mindset, feeling, mood and daily activities. If we are depressed, we will feel some things like sadness, hopeless, have no motivation and losing interest in everything we used to like. Many people think depression is a trivial condition and may relieve quickly, but actually depression is a condition that is very difficult to be relieved quickly. If someone gets too wrapped up with his depression, then he will having a thought that his life is pointless, and this will cause him to commiting suicide, of course we don’t want it that way it, so if you are depressed, you must make some efforts to prevent the depression to getting bigger, in this essay paragraph will explain some solutions to overcome depression, such as ; trying to accept yourself, reconize your negative thoughts, doing the medical treatment and the last is doing the psychotheraphy.
The first one, is trying to accept yourself. When you fail in the attempt to get rid of depression, you better trying to accept everything that you have, you should try to start concentrating on the things that you are capable of doing. Rather than change your life forcedly because you want to get rid from your depression, it will only add your burden, and also note that is useless to always thinking about depression that you feeling. Start trying to accept everything that is going on inside you and around you as well so you can have the determination to overcome your depression.
The second solution is reconize your negative thoughts. The negative thoughts you have is one of the factor that can lead you into the depression, the way to control it is to write down your negative thoughts everyday for a while, so you can identify, classify, and examine your negative thoughts. With the results of your writing, you will be able to reconize the negative mindset that you have, and you can stop your depression cycle.
Furthermore is doing the medical treatment, to overcome your depression, you can consume the anti depressant drugs that can affect your brain and nerve cells by altering the neurotransmitter which nerve cells use for us to communicate. This drug is safe to use and doesn’t cause the dependence and doesn’t also have the side effects that are harmful your body, but in its use should be based on the appropriate dose that given by the doctor.
The last solution to overcome your depression is by doing the psychotheraphy, ini this solution you are required to come to a psychterapist. By colsulting with a psychoterapist you will be helped to understand what are the psychological reasons that cause you to feel depressed, then the psychoterapist will also support you to go through such a difficult process by giving some advice, but you should not be overly dpendent on the help of psychoterapist because you have to keep control of yourself to change your mindset with your own efforts.
So, if you are feeling so depressed and you dont know how to make your condition much better, you should trying to make your depression doesn’t get worse by doing one of the solutions above which can help you to relieve and even can make you get out of the depression.
Name : Ilham Maulana Firdaus
NIM : 1630911024
Final Assignment - Interesting Place In Japan
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Akihabara Street at night |
Japan or Nippon/Nihon is the one of developed country in the world, it is located in East Asia near Russia, China, and Korea. Japan is a stratovolcanic archipelago nation consisting around 6,852 island, there are four largest island in there, called Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, and Shikoku. Japan is the third largest economical in the world, even they are the largest suppliers of transportation in the world. This country benefits from the highly skilled worker they are also one of the most educated country in the world.
Japan have an iconic mountain called "Fujiyama" or Mount Fuji, located in south-west of Japan capital city, Tokyo. As the one of developed country in the world, Japan have so many great places to visit, both natural places or modern places. As the subtropical country, Japan have four season, spring, summer, autumn, and winter, people all around the world often visited Japan when the winter has come, because they are want to visit the snow castle in Sapporo and some event in Disneyland. Beside of that, Japan have three places which is the most interesting places, such as Akihabara, Kyoto, and of course their capital city, Tokyo.
The first one is Akihabara, this places is located in central of Tokyo and often called as "The Heaven For All Otaku All Around The World" because in this district you can find everything about anime, newest gadget, game console, manga, even cosplayer is a regular things. Akihabara have an unique architecture, if you have visited to this city you will find every billboard in the street is filled with anime and game news. In this place you can find a cafe which is owned by the most popular idol group called AKB48 or Akihabara48.
Next one is the seventh largest city, Kyoto. In 794 until 1868, Kyoto served as Japan's capital city, over the centuries Kyoto was destroyed in World War II, but fortunately the historical things survived from the destrucion such as temples, and shrines. Now, in modern era you can find so many historical things in this city, such as the first Japan permanent imperial palaces called "Nara Palaces", Nijo castle or former Kyoto residences of Shogun, and the most popular places is Kinkakuji Palace or The Golden Shrine.
The last one is, Tokyo. As you know, Tokyo is Japan capital city and the world most populous metropolis. Tokyo offers an unlimited choice of shopping, entertainment, and culture. Tokyo have a historical district called Asakusa, there you will find best museum, historical gardens, and temples. Tokyo have so many best and unique tourist attraction, in central of Tokyo you can visit Akihabara, next in northern section you can find the oldest and the best museum called Tokyo National Museum, and the last is western section you can visit Shinjuku or often called as busiest city, Shibuya, and Harajuku which is the center of teenage fashion and cosplay.