Archive for Desember 2017
Types of Games
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The video game has many different kinds of categories such as action, adventure, fps and many more. But when we play it there is more than this categories. There is a game which needs to be paid first before you can play it and game which needs you to spend lots of your money if you want to win the game. Also, there is a game which can you get for free but still at the in-game, you have to buy some item if you want to make your character cooler. So, I divided video games into three types: paid to play, paid to win, and the last is free to play.
The first one is paid to play, so this type of game is that you should buy the game first before you can play it. The reason why you have to pay for the game because when you buy it you also contribute to the developer. If you know "Steam", there you can buy lots of games with different prices. For an old game in steam, the price is not so expensive not like the new come-out game.
The second one is paid to win, this type of game usually a free to play but, because free to play game always has many users so the developer uses a tactic if you want to win the game or become good at it you have to buy lots of things. For those who have lots of money, they can easily level up, get a good equipment and many other benefits. But for the player who doesn't have much money they just wait for an event to level up or get a good equipment. The point is paid to win games is for those who have a thick wallet.
The last one is free to play, the game is totally free you just have to download it before you play it. This type of game has many users, lag server, and lots of bugs. But this not mean that the game is not worthy, this depends on the developer. Nor the developer only looking for money or to satisfy their player.
Now you know the difference between paid to play, paid to win, and free to play. You can choose which one that suits you if you the one who support the developer by buying the game, the wealthy kid with tons of money you can spend in paid to win, or just regular people who don't want waste their money for games.
Classification - The Classification of Colors
Of course we are already familiar with the word “color”, color is a sensation that we get when looking or observing an object that reflects a light energy. Color is the reflection of particular spectrum that contained in the light. The colors looks different each other because the identity of color is determined by the wavelength of the light that contain therein. As we know, that in this world there are many various colors, such as red, yellow, green, blue, orange, black, white, etc. But, do we all already know that colors are divided into some different groups?, So, in this essay paragraph will describe the color classification, the colors are divided into four group : the Primary Color, Secondary Color, Tertiary Color, and Neutral Color.
The first group, The Primary Color which is also called as the base of color or the principal color. The colors in this group are called like that because the primary colors cannot be formed from other colors. in addition, the colors can be used as a staple to create new colors. The colors that included in the primary color are : Blue (Cyan), Yellow, and Red (Magenta).
Furthermore, the second group is the Secondary Color, the secondary color represent new colors that was result of the mixing of two primary colors. The color that contained in this group are : Orange (the mixed results between red and yellow), Purple/Violet (the mixed results between blue and red), and Green (the mixed results between yellow and blue).
Then, the third group is The Intermediate/Tertiary Color, are the colors that are between the primary and secondary colors in the color wheel. Such as Moon Green (the color between yellow and green), Deep Yellow (the color between yellow and orange), Red Vermillion (the color between red and orange), Red Purple (the color between red and purple/violet), Blue Indigo (the color between blue and purple/violet), and Sea Green (the color between yellow and green).
And the last group is The Neutral Color, neutral colors are the colors that come from the mixing of the three primary colors (blue, yellow, and red), which are combined at once with the same comparision (1:1:1), there are two colors in this group : black (brownish) and white.
With the color classification that has been described above, then we can know that the color has a variety of types and not just the basic colors just as we know it. The new colors that was mentioned above were formed from the mixing of primary colors, and if the new colors are mixed again, it will continue to pruduce new colors and new kind of colors as well.
Of course we are already familiar with the word “color”, color is a sensation that we get when looking or observing an object that reflects a light energy. Color is the reflection of particular spectrum that contained in the light. The colors looks different each other because the identity of color is determined by the wavelength of the light that contain therein. As we know, that in this world there are many various colors, such as red, yellow, green, blue, orange, black, white, etc. But, do we all already know that colors are divided into some different groups?, So, in this essay paragraph will describe the color classification, the colors are divided into four group : the Primary Color, Secondary Color, Tertiary Color, and Neutral Color.
The first group, The Primary Color which is also called as the base of color or the principal color. The colors in this group are called like that because the primary colors cannot be formed from other colors. in addition, the colors can be used as a staple to create new colors. The colors that included in the primary color are : Blue (Cyan), Yellow, and Red (Magenta).
Furthermore, the second group is the Secondary Color, the secondary color represent new colors that was result of the mixing of two primary colors. The color that contained in this group are : Orange (the mixed results between red and yellow), Purple/Violet (the mixed results between blue and red), and Green (the mixed results between yellow and blue).
Then, the third group is The Intermediate/Tertiary Color, are the colors that are between the primary and secondary colors in the color wheel. Such as Moon Green (the color between yellow and green), Deep Yellow (the color between yellow and orange), Red Vermillion (the color between red and orange), Red Purple (the color between red and purple/violet), Blue Indigo (the color between blue and purple/violet), and Sea Green (the color between yellow and green).
And the last group is The Neutral Color, neutral colors are the colors that come from the mixing of the three primary colors (blue, yellow, and red), which are combined at once with the same comparision (1:1:1), there are two colors in this group : black (brownish) and white.
With the color classification that has been described above, then we can know that the color has a variety of types and not just the basic colors just as we know it. The new colors that was mentioned above were formed from the mixing of primary colors, and if the new colors are mixed again, it will continue to pruduce new colors and new kind of colors as well.
Name. : Ilham Maulana Firdaus
NIM : 1630911024
REVISION : 1 (One)
Classification - Best Classes In World of Warcraft: Legion
A class is one of primary component in World of Warcraft, every player have different playstyle depending on their own class. There are twelve different class in WoW, include the newest hero class in Legion expansion called, Demon Hunter. In every expansion, there should be a best classes to play, for example in this expansion. In legion, there are best five classes such as, demon hunter, hunter, warlock, druid, and mage.
A class is one of primary component in World of Warcraft, every player have different playstyle depending on their own class. There are twelve different class in WoW, include the newest hero class in Legion expansion called, Demon Hunter. In every expansion, there should be a best classes to play, for example in this expansion. In legion, there are best five classes such as, demon hunter, hunter, warlock, druid, and mage.
Demon hunter use the forbidden demonic power of the burning legion to destroy their enemies, their life is dedicated to destroying the legion, they are using fel as their power source. This class is one of the best classes in legion expansion, because they can do massive area of effect damage and their instant single target burst is insane.
Hunter is unique class because they can tame beasts to become their pet for aiding them, hunters use bow, gun, and crossbow as their primary weapon, but in legion there is one specification called Survival hunter can use polearm as their weapon. Hunter is the second best classes in legion after the demon hunter, their burst damage is so powerful they can easily slay their enemies from afar.
Warlock have a little similarity with the demon hunters, because they both using demonic power as their power source, but the different is warlock is a spellcaster not a melee combatant. They can summon a demon for an aid in the battlefield, the reason why this class is on this list because of their incredible area of effect damage is wonderful, not only that, they have plenty survival ability to keep them alive. Warlock can create an healthstone for restoring their life force.
Druid are the guardian of nature, they can do shape-shifting into the animal and tree form. Their job is protecting the nature from extinction and of course from the demons. They have an important role in the world warcraft universe, because they are hybrid class, they can do healing and tanking not only as a damage dealer. Druid have a nice healing specification, they can restore their ally life force and preventing them from dying, their area of effect heal is the best choice for every player that are started for playing classes as a healer.
Mage have the last position as the best class in Legion expansion, but it does not a matter for them to beat the other classes. Mage is one of oldest class in world of warcraft universe, they have an important role as a guardian of Azeroth, their job is protecting the world from the demons, and shutting down the fel energies. They have plenty useful ability for keeping their alive, it is a little difficult to kill them because they are the most agile and fast spellcaster, they can use a spell called "Blink" for disengage from their enemies. Not only that, they have a massive single target damage, as well as their good area of effect damage.
That's the five best classes in World of Warcraft: Legion, you can choose one of them depending on your own playstyle. Keep practicing and learn the abilities and you will be unbeatable.
Types of animals have a lot of
virtually unlimited diversity. It can be seen from body shape, body color, body
size, food, how to adapt, behavior and habitat. Basically the grouping of
animals is divided into various kinds, the grouping of animals is divided
according to the food eaten, the number of feet, the breathing apparatus, the
living place, the reproduce way and many others. One of the factors that
differentiate animals is from the way they reproducing. Animals with each other
have different reproducing ways. How to reproduce that will later distinguish
animals with animals. Based on the way of reproducing, animals are grouped into
three parts:
The first is the Animal
reproducing by eggs or often called Ovivar. This group of animals reproducing
by laying eggs. Animals that reproduce in this way are generally poultry and
some species of fish, its characteristics is to produce eggs that will hatch
and become a child, have no earlobes and do not have mammary glands for
breastfeeding. As for some examples of animals that reproducing by laying eggs
(Ovipar) are as follows: Chickens, Ducks, Fish, Lizard, Geese, Birds, and
The second is an animal that
reproducing by way of childbirth or also called Vivipar. Just as humans This
group of animals reproducing by way of childbirth. In general, animals that
reproduce in the way of birth are mammals. The characteristics possessed by
animals that multiply by childbirth are childbirth or childbearing, having
earlobes, milk glands for breastfeeding, containing their children in the womb,
and breastfeeding. The examples of some animals that reproduce by Childbirth
(Vivipar) are as follows: Cow, Goat, Horse, Tiger, Cat, Whale, Dog, and Rabbit.
And the last is an animal that
reproducing by eggs and childbirth with another term is Ovovivivar. this
reproduce is a combined between egggs and childbirth because the mother lays
eggs inside her body and then will hatch in the stomach and the child out by
birth. So fertilization is done in the parent body and produces eggs and seeds are
still in the form of zygote, in a certain period of eggs containing the zygote
develop into an embryo that will develop until the child tangible and hatch in
the stomach of the mother and the child came out with the process of giving
birth. The characteristics of animals that reproduce by ovovivipar are:
fertilization done in the parent body, after fertilization formed eggs, then
zygote develops into embryo and then grow again so that the child is tangible,
the eggs hatch in the body and the child comes out with the process of being
born. Examples of animals Ovovivipar are: Snakes, Platypus, Sharks, Stingrays
and lizards.
Reproducing in animals is a
feature of animals to produce offspring so that they are not extinct, which
starts from the marriage of a pair of animals, male animals and female animals.
Each type of animal has a different way to multiply as mentioned above that is
by way of eggs (ovivar), childbirth(Vivivar) also eggs and childbirth
Classification of waste based on the source
Classification of waste based on the source
Name : Sansan Arisandi
Nim : 1630911016
Classification of waste based on the source
Not everybody knows about the effect waste for their lives.The effect of the waste can give the big impact on life everybody and environment. The impact of the waste will bring a variety of diseases like diarrhea, malaria, itch, cholera and can pollute water sources. To help people I will telling about kind of waste, In order for everyone aware of the waste so as not to pollute the environment.The waste is divided into four group: the Waste domestic, Waste industry, Waste of Agriculture, and Waste mining.
The first group, the Waste domestic Group, include the water used to wash, a stool, the rest of the food, paper, cans, plastic, soapy water or detergents. This group is we will always find every day in the home by self. If waste is not managed very well then will make the effect on your and family healthy, like diarrhea, cholera, itch. Some example of what makes the outbreaks of malaria, because there is no attention to the sewage so it is blocked by the garbage and then in a garbage heap malaria will breed. So we should manage the waste domestic very well for me, family and everyone.
The next two group, the Waste Industry Group, the waste in these group come from the waste of industrial output plant. Like, Waste organic liquid in or compact from industrial food processing, while organic waste such as heavy metals very much come from industrial textile, metal processing, plastic, paper. The great source of these industries come from the rest of the industry, process of washing equipment, and the raw materials. The effect from the waste industry is environmental pollution especially the river, people can not find the pure water, and disruption of the habitat of the river.for example waste from the industrial latex, the water disposal of the factory latex was thrown into the river, in the water disposal, there was the acidic substance so high and smell bad until the water can not to use. So factory should manage of waste disposal for habitation animal and people.
The next three Waste of agriculture, the waste in these group come from agricultural area and gardening. Waste from this area especially in the form of compounds organic from chemicals to use for the farm.Like, fertilizer and pesticides. the effect of the waste of agricultural is if the pesticides to eat by sheep or cow can make the animal is dead. For example, the farmer sprays the grass in the garden with pesticides then the grass eating by cattle, at last, the cattle will die.
The last group, the Waste Mining, the Waste such as Waste industry but Waste mining is Partikel Mining like metal and petrification. If the Waste does not manage well will make the effect on the environment.the effect of this waste like the river water dirty, not good for use drink, eat and wash. If the land deceived that waste can make the land infertile, not good for farming.
The guide kind of waste is a tool that helps for you how to manage the waste very well in order that family good health and environment clean and beautiful.after you know about all the waste, I hope reader to apply that knowledge how about manage the waste in the environment by own. Because the environment is hart for we are living.
The first group, the Waste domestic Group, include the water used to wash, a stool, the rest of the food, paper, cans, plastic, soapy water or detergents. This group is we will always find every day in the home by self. If waste is not managed very well then will make the effect on your and family healthy, like diarrhea, cholera, itch. Some example of what makes the outbreaks of malaria, because there is no attention to the sewage so it is blocked by the garbage and then in a garbage heap malaria will breed. So we should manage the waste domestic very well for me, family and everyone.
The next two group, the Waste Industry Group, the waste in these group come from the waste of industrial output plant. Like, Waste organic liquid in or compact from industrial food processing, while organic waste such as heavy metals very much come from industrial textile, metal processing, plastic, paper. The great source of these industries come from the rest of the industry, process of washing equipment, and the raw materials. The effect from the waste industry is environmental pollution especially the river, people can not find the pure water, and disruption of the habitat of the river.for example waste from the industrial latex, the water disposal of the factory latex was thrown into the river, in the water disposal, there was the acidic substance so high and smell bad until the water can not to use. So factory should manage of waste disposal for habitation animal and people.
The next three Waste of agriculture, the waste in these group come from agricultural area and gardening. Waste from this area especially in the form of compounds organic from chemicals to use for the farm.Like, fertilizer and pesticides. the effect of the waste of agricultural is if the pesticides to eat by sheep or cow can make the animal is dead. For example, the farmer sprays the grass in the garden with pesticides then the grass eating by cattle, at last, the cattle will die.
The last group, the Waste Mining, the Waste such as Waste industry but Waste mining is Partikel Mining like metal and petrification. If the Waste does not manage well will make the effect on the environment.the effect of this waste like the river water dirty, not good for use drink, eat and wash. If the land deceived that waste can make the land infertile, not good for farming.
The guide kind of waste is a tool that helps for you how to manage the waste very well in order that family good health and environment clean and beautiful.after you know about all the waste, I hope reader to apply that knowledge how about manage the waste in the environment by own. Because the environment is hart for we are living.
swimming pool dery and sport gaden
Derry swimming pool and Sport garden
Last week when I will go to swim with my friend i received acceptances from top two choices for swiming pool, Town and District, I knew I had a difficult decision to make. I had talked to Friend , everything who had attended both swimming pool and had visited both swimming pool many times, I couldn't make up my mind. It was only after I compared the location, cost, and facility of the two swimming pool that i could finally come to my decision for swimming in Derry swimming pool or Sport garden.
The first thing I considered was the location. First of all, both swimming pool are located in Sukabumi, although, Derry swimming pool of district in sukabumi and Sport garden of Sukabumi town. For Derry swimming pool it is a little closer from my house although Sport garden very much from my house, because my house in district in sukabumi. Actually both the swimming pool the location very strategic, both location pass one of the main street derry swimming pool on the national I street but sport garden on Pelabuhan II street.
In addition to location, I had to pay of attention to the tiket. From Derry the tiket just Rp.15.000 but in sport garden just Rp.17.000. if I goig to Derry swimming pool i had to have money Rp. 35.000 for ticket with transportation and meal, and if I go to Sport garden i had to have a money surroundings Rp. 40.000 for ticket,transportation,and meal.
The facility of the swimming pool at the two swimming pool had the most influence on my decision. In many ways.derry and sport garden have many similar in facility. Both swimming pool have many pool, many toilet or dressing room, big canteen with very much food,the wide parking are. But in similarity from two place, Derry do not have Futsal area and badminton, but derry just have rent a hotel rooms, It is do not there have by sport garden Sport Garden just have futsal area and badminton.
In conclusion, after taking everything into consideration, I think I made the right decision.since little closer, saving money, and facilty. I think, I will go to swimming pool derry because it is nearby my house, cheap, and facility enought. I think enought .